by bingamac | Feb 1, 2020 | Current Students, Spring 2020, Uncategorized
Hello! My name is Claire Bingaman and I’m a Communication Studies major with a minor in Theatre. My main passion other than crying over how cute dogs are is theatre. To be honest, it’s almost an aggressive quality about me but I think it’s super...
by cliffn | Sep 15, 2019 | Fall 2019, Uncategorized
Riders face Roswell Park Comprehensive Care Center (I did not take this picture) On Saturday, June 22 I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. It felt like the earliest I had ever woken up. It was dark and foggy and I was groggy after getting only four hours of sleep. I made...
by Isabella | Jun 8, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
Interning at The Boy Scouts of America has been a good experience so far. I interact with a small number of people daily and I have a good working relationship with my supervisors and the other people that work there. It is a very eccentric environment, I feel...
by rexingea | May 14, 2018 | Spring 2018
I’m sure that I’m not the only one that feels like last week was January and we were just beginning the semester. My senior year here at Canisius was a blur, but the highlight was certainly my time spent as an intern with the NFADA. In December I began my...
by Nicholas Charles Foraker | May 14, 2018 | Spring 2018
My internships this semester with Basil Marketing and the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County were great experiences, even though I hate cubicles. I honestly could not fathom what happens in a Human Resources workplace and what a Marketing department does without...
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