by vinnie | Oct 2, 2021 | Current Students, Uncategorized
In the first two weeks of my internship with Trainwreck Sports, LLC, I learned the ropes of the company, and started small with big aspirations. Two weeks ago, I had a “soft” beginning to my internship with Trainwreck Sports. I originally met my internship...
by Tyler Dillard | Feb 21, 2021 | Uncategorized
I started my internship with Clocky LLC on Feb. 5th. Prior to getting accepted into my position I was interviewed by the CEO, Gauri Nanda. After a quick review of my art portfolio (Which, if you’re interested can be found here:...
by vinnie | Sep 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Vincent Christiano III When I was accepted in the spring to do a fall internship, I was thrilled to learn that I could have an opportunity to work with real professionals in the communications and journalism field. Less than a week after finding what I thought...
by Samuel H Burkhardt | May 14, 2018 | Spring 2018
It is sad to think that I will soon take the Metro into work for the final time. Arriving at Fountain Plaza in the morning after boarding at Humboldt station and departing from Fountain Plaza and passing Goldberg Segalla on my way out of downtown Buffalo has become a...
by mckay4 | May 14, 2018 | Spring 2018
In regards to reflecting on my four months interning for Hospice, I am very happy with how things unfolded. I had three goals going into it: be the main point person for an event, become better at developing professional/personal relationships in the workplace, and...
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