by miyazawe | Aug 20, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
I interned with two companies: La Source, and Sakae Institute of Study Abroad during this summer vacation. It was great experiences of my life. For the first internship at La Source, I interned at the school in Meudon, Paris and it was my first time to go to France...
by nilanda | Aug 10, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
As I spent the last few months at BNMC, I learned a lot about what I want in a career. This is good timing too as this internship covered the last credits I needed to graduate! I spent a lot of time fine tuning my graphic design skills between logos, posters, flyers,...
by byandagb | Aug 10, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
This has been such a fun summer interning for Councilman Joel Feroletto. There is nothing more I could’ve ever expected from the experience I had. This summer I have gained experience being in charge of a social media platform other than my own personal...
by Isabella | Aug 10, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
My internship at The Greater Niagara Frontier Council of The Boy Scouts of America was highly successful in my opinion. I did not know how it would turn out but I am happy to say it was better than I expected. I got to plan and be a significant part of a $800,000...
by burns46 | Aug 10, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
It seems like just yesterday, I came into the Book Arts shop and was asked in a panic to help make a rush order of prints. Since then, WNYBAC has taught me several different creative pursuits that I never thought I’d be able to do, and has allowed me to work...
by burns46 | Jun 25, 2018 | Past Semesters, Summer 2018
When starting my internship at WNY Book Arts Center, I expected to spend my first day just being shown the ropes and mostly following my supervisor around to learn about what I would be doing. That’s not at all what happened, thankfully. Working for a non-profit...
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