I interned with two companies: La Source, and Sakae Institute of Study Abroad during this summer vacation. It was great experiences of my life. For the first internship at La Source, I interned at the school in Meudon, Paris and it was my first time to go to France and I was nervous since I had difficulties to speak fluently in French. However, I could learn how to communicate with them by mainly using non-verbal communication. I worked with Dasha; she is an English teacher for elementary students, age around 8 to 10. Through this experience, I figured out many things. The most important thing is to be cheerful and friendly. I worked with little kids and I tried to be friendly and powerful as much as I can to make a comfortable relationship between me and them. I believe that it worked. I do not know that I will apply for the job that works with children, but in this situation, it was a really important thing to be friendly and always being bubbly. The second thing that I learned is it is important is to have English skills. By staying in France, I found that there are many people who can speak very fluent English. The number of people who can speak English is getting increased. I as a non-native English speaker I felt that I should improve my English skills more and more during my last year at Canisius College.

In the second internship at Sakae, I mainly worked with high school students who want to apply to the colleges and universities in the United States. I could successfully help them by using my own experiences as a college student in the United States. I presented seminars about College in the United States for the students several times and they liked it. Through this experience, I could probably improve by using appropriate Japanese language. I sometimes confused the way Japanese people speak in a very formal and polite way and I do not think that I did not use appropriate language all the time with my supervisor and co-workers. The Sakae is not a typical Japanese company that is very strict about the language; however, I should have improved the way I speak in the business situation for my future. If I want to have a job in Japan, I need to learn how to use appropriate language in business settings. From the experience in Japan, this is the most important thing; using appropriate language and use it in a polite way.

To conclude, I could know that what is my strengths and weakness through the internship. From two internships, I could know about myself and this is very helpful to explain about myself at the job interview and figure out what is the best job for me. It was a great opportunity to have two different internships in two different countries using English.