Starting a Career!

I LOVED my internship! I was able to get hands on experience while interning with HUNT. I do not think that I would have been able to get as much experience and knowledge on the profession had I not participated in the internship. I am so grateful to to people I have...

Griff Fair Networking Event

The networking event I attended was the Canisius Griff Fair event which saw many business across the city of Buffalo come and have members of their organization available to speak to students. The event was hosted in Science Hall Commons and there were multiple...

Networking at Canisius

Last month I attended the Canisius College Griff Fair to toss my hat in the ring for potential jobs. I selected precisely who I wanted to talk to before hand. I mainly did this so I couldĀ  prioritize who I wanted to meet. But, something oddly enough happened right as...

Enactus Regional Competition Job Fair

Two weekends ago, the Canisius Enactus Team traveled to Dallas, Texas to compete in the United States Enactus Regional Competition. At this competition, our team presented four of our entrepreneurial projects that we’ve worked on throughout the school year to a...

Freelance Networking Event

On Friday I attended a Buffalo Creators & Crafters membership meeting. Buffalo Creators & Crafters are a small group of freelancers who live in Buffalo. Although I was not a member, I was able to attend as I arrived with a friend of mine who was kind enough to...

Buffalo Means Business

I was getting a little bit worried towards the end of the semester that I wasn’t going to be able to figure out what networking event I should go to. However, through my internship at GM, I heard about the Buffalo Means Business Networking event. So in addition...