I LOVED my internship! I was able to get hands on experience while interning with HUNT. I do not think that I would have been able to get as much experience and knowledge on the profession had I not participated in the internship. I am so grateful to to people I have worked with at Hunt as well as to Dr. Irwin for setting it up.
Throughout my internship I have learned so much that has prepared me for a career in real estate. I got my real estate license about a month ago, and ever since then I have been given more opportunities, which has given me the confidence to work independently as an agent. I also got to help hold open houses, where I was able to learn how to generate leads for myself as well as interact with potential clients. On Saturday mornings I go to the main corporate building where I take classes at HUNT University, where I have learned personal marketing strategies, how to make business pages as well as my own HUNT website.
There is nothing I would change about my internship; it’s been more than I could have even dreamed of. I am so happy that Hunt has kept me on as a full time agent since finishing my internship. I am extremely blessed!
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