by Leah M MacVie | Jul 28, 2017 | Adjuncts, Faculty
Welcome and welcome back, Adjunct Faculty! COLI staff will be hosting the New Adjunct Orientation on 8/24 and 9/7. We hope that you will be able to join us. This is not* mandatory, but it will be packed with beneficial information and tips about teaching at Canisius....
by Mark Gallimore | Jul 19, 2017 | Adjuncts, Faculty, Innovation, Online Learning, Staff, Students, Technology in Teaching & Learning
Today the Digital Humanities Summer Workshop Series wrapped up with the third and final session, focused on useful features in ARCGIS, a premier Geographic Information System. Faculty from various programs and departments, as well as staff from ITS and Institutional...
by Mark Gallimore | Jul 12, 2017 | Adjuncts, Faculty, Innovation, Online Learning, Staff, Technology in Teaching & Learning
Later this month, D2L will introduce a nice feature for Canisius faculty who use their online quiz/exam tool. D2L’s quiz engine has powerful features for randomizing question order in a quiz or exam, and can even deliver a subset of questions at random from...
by Leah M MacVie | Jul 5, 2017 | Adjuncts, Faculty, Innovation
Stan Skrabut, Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction at Jamestown Community College, attended the Canisius Innovation Conference in May and wrote two write-ups based on two his presentations. If you haven’t heard of #BreakoutEDU yet, it is a game-based...