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Stan Skrabut, Director of Technology-Enhanced Instruction at Jamestown Community College, attended the Canisius Innovation Conference in May and wrote two write-ups based on two his presentations. If you haven’t heard of #BreakoutEDU yet, it is a game-based education approach taking the K12 world by storm. It is based on the escape room concept and offers a creative way to both teach and review content. The second covers ‘augmented reality’ (using technology to overlay digital content on to real-life objects or places) and Google Maps (placed-based tracking for classroom content). Both the first and second were presented by Kathy Gradel, professor in Education at Fredonia and longtime SEHS friend here at Canisius. The third covers Google Sites as a portfolio platform – a bit topic of assessment conversation here at Canisius. We don’t have to tell you what huge fans we are of Google Tools, but this new upgrade to Sites gives students the ability to easily create unique projects, presentations, and portfolio spaces. Check out Stan’s wrap-ups below.