Internship Wrap Up

My final semester at Canisius came to a close today along with my internship. This whole semester in and out of the classroom has been such a tremendous learning experience. I consider myself very lucky to have been placed at Buffalo Spree for my internship. Each day...

Informational interview with Tim Graham

I have had the opportunity to speak with Mr.Graham in the past, having had a class with him, but it was rewarding to be able to sit down and have a conversation with him about his career. One thing I was able to learn from him was the dedication and work it takes to...

Starting at Spree

I’ve been at Buffalo Spree Publishing for two weeks now, and I seem to be settling in nicely. I am very grateful to be receiving real working assignments and not the useless “busy work” interns are sometimes known to do. I have already started...

The end of an internship era

I can’t believe I actually wrote the title of this blog… “THE END”. Those words seem so scary. I can’t believe I’m wrapping up my third and final internship as an undergrad, as well as my last semester of college. This semester has...

A Dream and the Drive

It has been a dream of mine to work at the Buffalo News for a long time now, but it wasn’t until I actually walked up to the building that I realized that I had never been inside. My footsteps were loud on the tile as I walked in, and was soon directed toward an old...