Winter Faculty Development week is from January 8th to the 11th! This year, it will be online via Zoom.
Jump to:
- Monday, January 8th, 2024
- Tuesday, January 9th, 2024
- Wednesday, January 10th, 2024
- Thursday, January 11th, 2024
*Note: To access the Session links, you will need to sign into your Canisius Google Drive first
Monday, January 8th, 2024

Grant Writing to Support Your Scholarship
Time: 9:00AM to 10:15AM
Scholarship and research are integral to a thriving academic environment like a university. In this session, we will discuss the importance of being funded for your research and how it benefits the researcher as well as the University at large.

Hybrid Courses: Tips, Tricks, & Insights
Time: 10:30AM to 11:45AM
I will present on the shift of my classes from f2f into a more hybrid format. I’ll cover the pros, cons, and demonstrate effective methods for optimizing the classroom experience of my students.
Lunch Break, 11:45AM to 1:00PM

Got Podcasts?
Time: 1:00PM to 2:15PM
We will discuss how podcasts have informed our practices as teacher educators. In addition, the opportunity to host our own podcast has been a very rewarding experience.

Engaging Students in Research in the Post-COVID era
Time: 2:30PM to 3:45PM
The last few years have presented new challenges for faculty mentored student research. As we continue in this “new normal”, many faculty are struggling with research students who are busier and less engaged than in the past. In this session we will brainstorm ways to meet the students where they are at, while at the same time making progress on research.
Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

Transform your World with 3D Printing
Time: 9:00AM to 10:15AM
We live in a 3-dimensional world so why not print objects in 3D. Additive manufacturing has transformed engineering with inexpensive, customized parts. It is also available for the hobbyist with low-cost 3D printers. I will share some experiences with 3D printers on the Canisius campus and encourage anyone interested to join the movement.

New Buffalo Institute and Community-Based Learning
Time: 10:30AM to 11:45AM
This session will focus on defining the New Buffalo Institute and its connection to Community-Based Learning. The session will emphasize the importance of community-engaged learning and possible ways to implement this in the classroom.
Lunch Break, 11:45AM to 1:00PM

Discussion of Fall FYE Class: What worked and did not work?
Time: 1:00PM to 2:15PM
In this session, we invite the Fall 2023 FYE instructors to discuss the successes and the needed revisions to the course. We will review assignments and curriculum, and the feedback from this session will help us prepare for Fall 2024.

AI and Pedagogy Discussion
Time: 2:30PM to 3:45PM
In this session, Dr. Justin Del Vecchio and Dr. H. David Sheets discuss how AI’s work. Then they will discuss the myriad of ways that AI’s can be used, both in and out of the classroom.
Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

Title IX/Clery/VAWA: I Have So Many Questions
Time: 9:00AM to 10:15AM
You probably hear these subjects being talked about all the time, or perhaps you don’t. What are these? Why are they important? Do I play a role as a faculty member? This session will provide background about all 3 of these laws, why they are so important, especially in Higher Education and we will review the responsibilities of faculty under these laws and Canisius policy. The session will conclude with a Q&A discussion around the topics. All concerns and/or questions will be welcome and answered.

Improve Student Writing with Close Attention to Academic Genre
Time: 10:30AM to 11:45AM
In “Inventing the University,” Donald Bartholomae argues that undergraduates navigate a series of distinct, discreet discourses as they move through their academic careers. Writing conventions vary widely between different undergraduate courses, and professors can help students improve student writing by explicitly outlining precisely what these conventions are. We will discuss practical strategies for helping students learn how to write in these different genres.
Donald Bartholomae, “Inventing the University” (Feel free to read, but it is not required for attendance. Our discussion will assume you have not.)
Lunch Break, 11:45AM to 1:00PM

Lightboard Studio: My trials, errors, and small successes in incorporating the Lightboard studio in my courses
Time: 1:00PM to 2:15PM
This session, I will highlight my trials and errors and ultimately my small successes in integrating Lightboard studio into my asynchronously online and in person courses.

“Listening Tour” with your new VPAA for Faculty Development
Time: 2:30PM to 3:45PM
As I step into this role at Canisius, I am eager to learn about your concerns and insights about the ways in which the Office of Academic Affairs can support your pedagogy, research, and experiences.
Thursday, January 11th, 2024

The Canisius Internship Experience
Time: 9:00AM to 10:15AM
As Internship Director for the Department of Communication, which includes Strategic Communication, Digital Media Arts, Integrated Marketing Communication, and Journalism, Sarah Galasso will discuss the internship application process, from the initial kick-off meeting with each student, to resume/cover letter design, to helping students create and manage their own online presence. She will also discuss strategies that any department can use, in expanding their list of professional internship sites, matching student interests and strengths with specific companies, as well as best practices for navigating adversity.

Changing Pedagogy Since COVID: Flexibility and Awareness in the Classroom
Time: 10:30AM to 11:45AM
How has your pedagogy changed since COVID? Or has it? This session brings to light awareness and flexibility in both teaching and learning in both faculty and students. Discussion will focus on tools, techniques, and practices; and offer a reflexive space to be contemplative about our role as faculty in challenging times.
Lunch Break, 11:45AM to 1:00PM

Crafting an Interactive (Digital) Course Space
Time: 1:00PM to 2:15PM
In this session, COLI staff members will go through how to create an interactive course. We will open up with using Panopto to create videos, light editing, and in-video quizzes. Then, we will move on to Hypothes.is to create a social annotation assignment.