The Canisius College Zoo Biology Program announces the opening of its eighth mini-zoo, “Safari Canisius: a celebration of African wildlife.” Located in Room 102 of the college’s Health Science Building, Safari Canisius is free and open to the public. It runs Monday through Friday, November 7 – November 18, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Naturalistic exhibits constructed by Canisius College students display nine species on loan from The Buffalo Zoo, including the black and white ruffled lemur, serval, African crested porcupine, rock hyrax, ring-necked dove, African cichlid fish, pancake tortoise, sand boa and the Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard. Their habitats were designed by students in the Canisius College Zoo Biology Program, under the guidance of Susan Margulis, PhD, assistant professor of biology and animal behavior, ecology, and conservation; Gerry Aquilina, curator at The Buffalo Zoo and Frank Ferrelli, carpenter for Commercial Service Construction.
The mini-zoo group project began in September. Students studied the principles of exhibitry and husbandry in class, at The Buffalo Zoo, and at several out-of-town zoos, which they traveled to throughout the semester. Based on their studies, students then converted a first-floor storage room and adjoining plant-growth room into a simulated African habitat, including grasslands, lakes and a tropical rainforest. Click here for the live webcam of Safari Canisius.
For more information about “Safari Canisius,” contact the Office of Public Relations at Ext. 2790.
Submitted by: Public Relations