by Public Relations | Oct 11, 2011 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
The Dr. George E. Schreiner ’43 Pre-Medical Distinguished Speaker Series welcomes Michael Roizen, MD, on Thursday (October 13) at 7:30 p.m. in the Montante Cultural Center. Roizen will present a lecture, entitled “RealAge and You: The Cleveland Clinic Experience on Controlling Your Genes and What it Means for You.” The lecture is free and open to the public. Seating is limited.
A native of Buffalo, Roizen is most renowned for his research in nutrition as a tool for optimum health and longevity. He established the “real age” quiz, which established a number entirely different from a person’s chronological age.
To learn more, click here.
Submitted by: Public Relations
by Public Relations | Oct 11, 2011 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Edward “Ted” F.
Walsh Jr. |
Barbara A.
Bellanti MBA ’86 |
The annual Canisius College Business Awards Dinner will be held tonight (October 11) at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens. Cocktails begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. followed by the awards presentation. Edward “Ted” F. Walsh Jr., president and chief operating officer of Walsh Duffield Companies Inc., will receive the Business Executive of the Year Award. The Dr. Bernard L. Martin Award will be given to Barbara A. Bellanti MBA ’86, president and chief executive officer of Battenfield Grease and Oil Corporation.
To learn more about this event, click here.
Submitted by: Office of Web Services