by Public Relations | Oct 4, 2011 | Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Fire drills will be held this week, weather permitting, on Thursday and Friday (October 6 and 7) in non-residential buildings on campus, including: Old Main, Bagen, Churchill Tower, Library, Lyons Hall, Wehle Technological Center, Horan-O’Donnell, Health Science, Koessler Athletic Center, Demerly Hall, Christ the King Chapel, Student Center, Palisano Pavilion, and Montante Cultural Center.
When the alarm sounds, please exit the building and wait for Public Safety to signal permission to reenter. If there is an event which would be very seriously and negatively affected by a drill, please contact Gary Everett in Public Safety Ext. 2330 or and he will attempt to work drills around the event.
Submitted by: Jerry Neuner, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs
by Public Relations | Oct 4, 2011 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Canisius College Democrats and the Office of Campus Ministry will gather the community today (October 4) at 8:30 p.m. to remember the death of Troy Davis and reflect on the use of the death penalty in the US and worldwide. The short vigil will be by candlelight and take place in front of Christ the King Cchapel. Please join the Canisius community in remembering those wrongfully and purposefully put to death and pray for a continued effort to end all forms of violence, racism, and prejudice worldwide.
Troy Davis was executed by the state of Georgia on September 21. The president of the Vatican’s Council for Justice and Peace has condemned his execution. “I’m not playing down the effect of crime on victims – the pain and the sadness and its ability to destroy society – but should we not aim at healing and also causing a change in somebody’s life?” asked Cardinal Turkson. “When we do that (execute a person), it is society which is diminished. The human society less one person is still a reduction of the human society.”
For information about Troy Davis and the death penalty in the US, click here and here.
Submitted by: Sarah Signorino, associate campus minister, campus ministry