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Submit a News Article

During the fall and spring semesters, The Dome publishes three times per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday).  During the summer and occasional breaks, the Dome publishes once a week.  All submissions to The Dome must be received by 2:00 p.m. of the day prior to publication.

A single post cannot appear more than once per week and three times per month. 

To submit a news article:

If you don’t see a form to submit, click the Log In button.  After you log in with your Canisius University username and password, you will see the submission form.

Add a Post Title.  In the Post Content box, write or paste in your post content.  Include your Name, Department, Canisius College email address, and any special instructions in the spaces provided below the Post Content box.  Answer the simple math question, and then click submit.

  • To submit a Campus Candid: add a title, and in the Post Content box, include a text description of the photo including the date and location of your event, if applicable.
  • To include a .jpg or .png image file: click the Insert Photo button.  Please ensure that your images are ready to publish: rotated, cropped, sized, and otherwise edited as you want them to appear in The Dome.
  • You can upload a maximum of four files for any submitted article.

If you are submitting files, including a .pdf, you need to supply explanatory text for that article submission.  Then, click on Select Files button under the PDF File Upload section. Note: Only 1 PDF, which must be 10MB or less, may be uploaded per submission.


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