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Another semester is well underway.  Now is the perfect time to take a look at your department’s Web pages and make any necessary updates, additions or changes.

The Canisius College Web site communicates your department’s information to current and prospective students, faculty and staff in other departments, alumni, and the general public.  Therefore, it is critical that all of your messages and information are accurate and up to date.  The Office of Web Services can help faculty and staff remove pages that no longer contain pertinent information, update current pages, add dynamic content, and create new pages when needed.  Please take the time to look over your pages and contact the person in your department who is responsible for making Web changes.

To assist everyone in this process, we are holding Web tool training sessions on Wednesday, March 17 and Friday, March 26.  Both sessions start at 1 p.m. and will be held in Wehle Room 305.  These sessions are for those who want to learn more about building and maintain Web pages through the college’s Web tool for their academic or administrative departments.  The sessions will be approximately two hours long, and space is limited to 20 people.  Training is also recommended for those currently using the tool that may need a refresher on how it works.

If you need assistance with your department Web pages or want to sign up for the training sessions, please contact Chuck Pustelnik, director of Web services, at Ext. 2636 or via E-mail at to set up an appointment.

Submitted by:  Office of Web Services