New Excel Tutorials on Tables
Excel allows us to create tables out of our data. This makes it easier to sort by a specific column, filter by different items in a particular column, create charts, and more. Here are the first two of a planned series of tutorial videos on using Tables: Create a...

Upcoming Winter Faculty Development Week 2025
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Winter Faculty Development Week (WFDW)! This year, WFDW will be from January 6th through the 9th. Here is a sneak peek at a few of the sessions this year: Sounding Off: Podcasts as Assessments with Dr. Maura Snyder, Assistant...

D2L: Availability Date Viewing Options
In D2L, on Dropboxes and Discussion, we can set how the Start Date and End Date behave as far as how much of the activity students can view at what time. There are three options: Visible with access restricted: This is the default option (tutorial below on how to...

Excel Tutorials And Training
Excel is a very powerful data tool. However, it can be very confusing and daunting to know what Excel can do with all of that data. Here are a few tutorials to get started with: Sorting Data - TranscriptIn this tutorial, we walk you through how to quickly...

October is Cybersecurity Month
October is Cybersecurity month! Canisius ITS would like to invite you to spend some time thinking about your online presence and how you can make it more secure. Cybersecurity Awareness Training In accordance with several regulatory agencies (FERPA, NYS Shield,...

Hypothes.is: Use PDFs in D2L
Using PDFs uploaded to D2L, faculty can create Hypothes.is Assignments. This makes creating assignments much easier, as faculty do not need to go to Google Drive, upload files, and then go to D2L. As such, uploading PDFs to D2L has become our recommended way of...

Midterms in D2L
With midterms coming up, it may be useful to review these features of D2L Quizzes and Dropboxes. D2L Quizzes provides a robust tool to grade quizzes easier and quicker. Some features can help prevent cheating to a degree, like basic question...

Graduate Student IT Information Session
Whether face-to-face or online, graduate students at Canisius make extensive use of internet tools and services. Come learn about the core information technologies you will use at Canisius. Begin the semester confident in your use of Canisius Gmail, D2L,...

Update Zoom!
On November 2, 2024, Zoom will be enforcing new minimum versions of it's software applications. For more information on specific application minimum versions required, please see Zoom's Software Lifecycle Policy and Support page. Note that if you are running a Zoom...

Need D2L Help?
Need D2L help or just looking for a quick refresher? Try one of the following: Check out the D2L Self-Paced Training for Faculty and Staff wiki page, which has all of our tutorials on D2L. This includes general course management to using the Discussion, Quiz, and...