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The Department of Kinesiology will be hosting the final seminar for the semester today (April 26) at 4 p.m. in Room G21 in the Koessler Athletic Center. Chuck Pelitera, MS, CSCS will present a lecture entitled, “Professional Options Available as a Health/Wellness Professional.”

Seminar Abstract
As a health/wellness professional there are many directions in which an individual can travel with their degree. The health and wellness field is not just a profession, but instead,  is a chosen lifestyle. You can be a positive influence and role model for many diverse populations.

This presentation will attempt to address the options that will be available to you. In addition, there are future trends and opportunities in this field which have not as of this point been fully realized. You are at the perfect time in history to be in this field. Most of the world is aware of the importance of proper diet and exercise and they need you to show them the way.

Submitted by:  Karl Kozlowski, PhD, ATC, assistant professor, kinesiology