by Public Relations | Apr 2, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
The college will close at 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 5. All but essential operating personnel are included in this early dismissal.
Have a wonderful Easter!
Submitted by: Deborah J. Winslow-Schaber, director, human resources
by Public Relations | Apr 2, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
Leah MacVie, instructional designer, has set up an ANGEL group for the walking program. There will be weekly tips posted to ANGEL for those participating in the program. The information will also be available on the GrifFit webpage.
You may submit your weekly log via the ANGEL group or if you prefer not to use ANGEL, email your weekly totals to Samantha Taylor at, or Dawn Rotterman at Please submit your totals on Mondays by 5 p.m.
Additionally, the Athletics Department has developed a program to prepare participants for the Shoes for Shelter Run/Walk. Information on the program is available on the GrifFit webpage and the Canisius Walking Program ANGEL group.
If you have any questions regarding the walking program, please contact Dawn Rotterman at Ext. 3151.
Submitted by: Dawn Rotterman, associate, human resources
by Public Relations | Apr 2, 2012 | Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
The office of Campus Programming and Leadership Development (CPLD) is proud to announce that they are accepting nominations for the commuter student of the year award! Nominations are due to the CPLD office by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 20. The purpose of this award is to recognize a commuter student who has rendered outstanding service to the commuter student population at Canisius College. For criteria and to view nomination form, please visit the website.
Submitted by: Katie Martoche, assistant director, campus programming & leadership development
by Public Relations | Apr 2, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
Living and Thriving in Anxious Times
Please have a look at the April newsletter from the employee assistance program/child & family services that features an article entitled “Living and Thriving in Anxious Times.”
Submitted by: Kathy Kelly, administrative associate, human resources