Art History Lecture on Berlin and its History
The art history program at Canisius invites the college community to attend a lecture presented by Miriam Paeslack, PhD, from the department of visual studies and arts management program at the University at Buffalo. This presentation will take place on Thursday, April 19, at 4 p.m. in Lyons Hall 303.
The lecture, entitled “Photographic Agency in Wilhelmine Berlin,” interprets the city of Berlin as a palimpsest, as an urban space that contains traces of demolition and rebuilding during Wilhelmine Berlin, the era between 1871 and 1918 when Germany was first united and governed as a constitutional monarchy. It looks at the kinship between photographs and paintings of ruins and destruction to explore how history was invoked in pictorial representations of the city. This paper’s overarching question is of historical memory and identity, and its relation to Germany’s unification.
The lecture is free to the public. For more information, please contact the Fine Arts Office at Ext. 2536 or visit
Submitted by: Yvonne K. Widenor, adjunct professor, art history program, fine arts department