by Public Relations | Apr 16, 2012 | Faculty, Staff, Students
On Wednesday, April 18, the Soup with Substance Series celebrates Asian Pacific American heritage month. Lin Xia Jiang, professor of art and coordinator of the Painting and Drawing Program at Buffalo State College, will provide information about issues Asian American college students may face in the 21st century. The talk will be held in Grupp Fireside Lounge from noon – 12:30 p.m.
Joining Jiang, will be Kristin Stapleton, PhD, associate professor and director of the Asian Studies Program at the University at Buffalo, who will share information about the Asian Studies Program at UB. A 15-minute question and answer session will follow. Soup will be served. Free and open to the public. This event is sponsored by Chartwells Dining Services and ALANA Student Center.
Submitted by: Kathleen Mathews, administrative associate, ALANA Student Center
by Public Relations | Apr 16, 2012 | Faculty, Staff, Students
The Canisius College literary and visual arts magazine, Quadrangle, will be unveiled on Wednesday, April 18 at 6 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the publication.
During the event, Quadrangle staff, and moderator Mick Cochrane, PhD, professor of English, will unveil the works of several contributors to the magazine. The evening will include readings from Sarah Whittington ’12, Hillary Hamp ’12, Davidlee Klimchuk ’12, Tyler Ianuzi ’12 and Kalani Kapahua ’13.
With the theme of “Time,” this issue, under the design direction of Sarah Jaworowicz ’12, explores the seemingly timeless quality of literary and visual arts, and features poems, short stories, creative nonfiction, artwork and photography on a variety of subjects.
“This 60th volume is a tribute to the current talents of the Canisius College of 2012, while paying homage to the talents of the past,” said Caitlin McAneney ’12, the editor-in-chief of Quadrangle. “Our ’historians’ collectively read all 59 past volumes to come up with a neat chronological essay highlighting the ups and downs, and never-back-down moments in Quadrangle’s history. Throughout the years, the magazine has stayed a centerpiece of Canisius literary and arts culture.”
For additional information, visit the website, “like” on Facebook, and follow on Twitter at @QuadrangleMag
Submitted by: Office of Public Relations
by Public Relations | Apr 16, 2012 | Faculty, Staff, Students
A recent, minimal security threat to Mac computers that affects out-dated versions of Java software has been announced by Apple. One of the tell-tale signs that the virus may be on your computer is that it directs you to unrequested websites. To protect your computer, download Apple’s latest Java update from Apple’s website for Snow Leopard or Lion. Users can also go to the Norton Antivirus site for a detection and removal tool. Additionally, users who routinely update their software, or have the automatic updates on, will have the latest version of Java installed.
If you need help, please contact the ITS Help Desk at Ext. 8340.
Submitted by: Joseph F. Rizzo, academic technology specialist, ITS