by Public Relations | May 30, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
Canisius for Kids (C4K) is an interdisciplinary camp for kids promoting the use of creative-thinking skills. Open to all Buffalo-area students entering grades 4-8, this camp pairs certified teachers trained in differentiated instruction with students looking for rich, engaging activities that integrate art, music, and technology with math, science, history and language arts.
This year’s theme focuses on something we all have in common: the city of Buffalo itself. Through numerous modules and experiences, students will explore the past, present, and future of Buffalo.
The camp is sponsored by Canisius College, and staffed by faculty and students of the college’s Differentiated Instruction Master’s Program. For more information, and to register, go to
Submitted by: Kara M. Schwabel, director, differentiated instruction
by Public Relations | May 30, 2012 | Faculty, Staff, Students
On Tuesday, June 5, fire drills will be held in Lyons, Horan O’Donnell, Old Main, Library, Tower, Wehle, Health Science, and Koessler.
On Thursday June 7, fire drills will be held in Demerly, Agassiz, Montante, Palisano, Bagen, Chapel, Student Center.
If you are holding an event that would be seriously interrupted by a fire drill, please contact Lt. Richard Miller in Public Safety, at Ext. 2330 or
Submitted by: Jerome L. Neuner, PhD, associate vice president, academic affairs
by Public Relations | May 23, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
On Friday, May 25, offices will be allowed to close at 3 p.m. In a small number of offices, there may be extraordinary needs which require longer hours. Please check with your supervisor if there are any questions.
Enjoy the Memorial Day holiday!
Submitted by: Deborah J. Winslow-Schaber, director, human resources
by Public Relations | May 23, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
The biggest Alumni party of the year is just around the corner, and Canisius faculty and staff are invited to join the festivities. The Alumni Quad Party will be held Saturday, June 2 from 7 – 11 p.m. in the main Quadrangle. Faculty and staff receive a discounted rate of $30 until May 25. The price at the door is $40 per person. Enjoy great food, drinks and live music with Buffalo cover band “The Soul Providers.” In case of rain, the tent party will be moved inside to the Richard E. Winter ’42 Student Center.
To reserve, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at Ext. 2700 or visit
Submitted by: Sharon Kasperczyk, program coordinator, alumni relations
by Public Relations | May 23, 2012 | Faculty, Staff
The Online Teaching Summit will take place on July 18. Call for proposals going on now. To submit a proposal or to register, please go to
There is also an upcoming Summer Online Course Development Workshop session recommended for those looking to teach online in the fall. These workshops were created to guide instructors and staff through the online course creation process. It is highly encouraged for those who attend if they intend to teach online. For more information and to register, click here.
Submitted by: Leah MacVie, instructional designer, ITS