All are invited to bring a lunch and laptop to the Student Center Executive Conference Room for the first in a series of Lunch Time Laptop Seminars offered by FacTS and facilitated by Marie Larcara, EdD. These are one hour, informal gatherings where best practices and available tools on specific topics will be shared. There are three dates and topics now available:
Thursday, March 3, 12:00 pm
Content, Writing, and Technology: The Connection to Student and Faculty Success
– Discussing technology tools to help students and faculty plan and implement large papers and projects.
Thursday, April 7, 12:00 pm
PLAGIARISM! The Never-ending Battle for Truth!
– Discussing plagiarism prevention tools, and technology to help students learn to write in a scholarly fashion and avoid plagiarism.
Thursday, May 5, 12:00 pm
How to Be Hybrid: The How and Why to Use Online Discussion in Your F2F Classroom
– Discussing the steps to moving online and why a hybrid course may be beneficial to a content area.
To sign up for any or all of these, click here.
Submitted by: Marie Larcara, EdD, instructional designer, ITS