by Public Relations | Mar 9, 2011 | Faculty, Staff
For those who participated in Canisius Care in 2010, March 15, 2011 is the last date to incur expenses for 2010 funds. For questions regarding Canisius Care balances, please contact Independent Health at 716-504-1468 or 1-800-258-3348.
April 20, 2011 is the deadline to file for reimbursement. Claim forms can be found here, and medical claims are submitted directly to Independent Health. Dental claims must be submitted and processed under the Canisius dental assistance plan first, then submitted to Independent Health. Attach a copy of the dental bill and the college’s explanation of benefits to an Independent Health claim form.
The deadline for submitting 2010 dental claims to the Controller’s office is March 20, 2011. Please contact Dawn Rotterman in the Office of Human Resources at Ext. 3151 with any questions.
Submitted by: Dawn Rotterman, associate, human resources
by Public Relations | Mar 9, 2011 | Alumni, Faculty, Parents, Staff, Students
Harpsichordists Jane Cary and Roland E. Martin will present a recital of music for two harpsichords on Monday (March 14) at noon in the Montante Cultural Center. This unique recital features two works by women composers Jane Savage and Maria Cosway (March is Women’s History Month) as well as works by Tommaso Giordani and G. F. Handel. The recital is free and open to the public.
Submitted by: Ellen Barnum, assistant director, ArtsCanisius
by Public Relations | Mar 9, 2011 | Faculty, Staff
In the past 20 years, portion size has increased significantly. Everything has gone up in size; plate size has increased, restaurants offer super-size options and grocery stores now offer value-size items. Additionally, most Americans underestimate the amount of food they consume and overestimate portion size.
The Office of Human Resources encourages all Canisius faculty and staff to read Healthy Portion Sizes(Adobe Acrobat PDF) for helpful tips for portion control.
Submitted by: Dawn Rotterman, associate, human resources
by Public Relations | Mar 9, 2011 | Faculty, Staff
The Online Course Development Workshop was created to guide instructors and staff through the online course creation process. It is highly encouraged that instructors attend if they intend to teach online. There is an upcoming Spring session recommended for those looking to teach online in the Fall.
For more information and to register, click here.
Submitted by: Leah MacVie, instructional designer, ITS