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Ignatian Scholars Colloquium Today

Steven W. Halady, adjunct professor of philosophy, will present his paper “Making Room for Biology: Against Racial Eliminativism,” in the Campus Ministry Conference Room today (March 11) at 4 p.m.  This presentation is part of the Ignatian Scholars Colloquium series.  All are welcome!

Submitted by:  John Zeis, PhD, professor, philosophy

Student/Faculty Recital This Sunday

The music department’s student/faculty recital will be Sunday, March 14 at 3 p.m. in Christ the King Chapel.  The recital features performances by both students and faculty members and kicks off the Canisius College Women in the Arts Festival.  Student performers include vocalists Emily Yancey, Kalee Pace and Alyssa Palombo; Cathleen Roemer, violin; Emily Mangione, viola; Phil Leszak, bass; clarinetists Ariana Incao and Hollie Cowell and Nicole Bzibziak, flute.  Jane Cary, Carole Harris, Karen Schmid and Meilssa Thorburn are the faculty members performing.  This event is free and open to the public.

Submitted by:  Ellen Barnum, music events coordinator, ArtsCanisius

Periodic Review Report Forum March 17

The fourth Periodic Review Report Forum will be held Wednesday, March 17 at 2 p.m. in Regis South.  “Section 3: Narrative Identifying Major Challenges and/or Opportunities” will be discussed.  This section identifies the most important challenges or opportunities the college will experience over the next five years that are relevant to any of the Middle States accreditation standards.  In this section, we are also given the opportunity to highlight any major accomplishments and to identify any significant obstacles or challenges.

Please contact Guy Gessner, PhD, associate professor of management and marketing at Ext. 2639 or by email at with any questions or concerns.

Submitted by:  Lisa Fischer, executive associate, academic affairs

“Photomontage, Gender, and the Bauhaus” Lecture March 18

An art history lecture titled “Photomontage, Gender and the Bauhaus” will be held Thursday, March 18 at 2:30 p.m. in Regis South.  Elizabeth Otto, PhD, assistant professor of modern and contemporary art at SUNY at Buffalo, will speak on the art and artists of the Bauhaus, the avant-garde arts academy that flourished in Germany from 1919 until its forced closing in 1933 by the National Socialists.  This lecture is free and open to the public.

Submitted by:  Justine Price, assistant professor, art history