Measuring Internship Success

Success can be measured in many different ways. The most common in our culture is through the accumulation of money. Other measures of success can be self-sufficiency or power. My advertising internship (unsurprisingly) did not, in and of itself, produce a heaping sum...

Networking Event Advice: Acting Like a Professional

On April 24, 2014, I attended a PRSSA networking function, hosted by the Canisius College PRSSA chapter, at the Montante Cultural Center. The event consisted of a meet and greet, two speakers sharing both their career stories and advice for young professionals, and...

The state beyond nervous

“Nervous” doesn’t make you hold a map upside down.  “Nervous” doesn’t make you walk the wrong direction after parking for five minutes before wondering why you haven’t reached your destination.  To say I was nervous about beginning my internship at Eric Mower and...