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The Canisius University Wiki, a long-time host for policy and procedural documents, has moved! In general, users of the wiki should report any outdated information or broken links within the Wiki to Additionally:

  • If you own or maintain wiki pages, please check them today for broken links, missing content, or other possible concerns. If assistance is needed, please email
  • In general, review any content for outdated information.
  • Since the wiki must use different web addresses, links on web pages and spaces across the university will need updated, and some may be broken until fixed. Please be patient, and report broken links to
  • To the extent possible, all old wiki pages will redirect to the new wiki’s home page. There, users can navigate to the things they need.
  • Links to wiki pages within old emails, news, and social media posts will expire and will redirect to the Wiki’s updated homepage. Please watch for page new links, or go to the wiki using the MyCanisius Portal. The Wiki can be found on the righthand side of the MyCanisius portal:
  • If you send emails using boilerplate mail text that points to wiki spaces, your boilerplate text will need to be updated.
  • If you own or maintain wiki pages that are linked on the main Canisius site, in Google Sites, or in any other location, those links will need to be updated.