Canisius University employees must complete a cybersecurity training each year. This is practically necessary for several reasons.
- There is a wide variety of motives – more than you can imagine – for cybercriminals to try to access the university’s online spaces, resources and data. If you have a university username and password, you are a target. ITS or COLI employees would be happy to explain all the reasons someone might try to get into your Canisius accounts.
- There are proven good habits that can protect your account and access. That’s why we insist on a cybersecurity training. Cybersecurity is not a distraction from the work you need to do; it is a set of habits that you must incorporate into your work.
- The university loses money and employee time (which is money) trying to clean up after a data breach. The university’s cost for insurance is based in part on employee completion of cybersecurity training. Help us keep revenues properly pointed at the things we care about most.
You can find the Cybersecurity training linked under “Human Resources” in the MyCanisius Portal:

Even careful employees can be the victim of a successful hack, but we can learn to be harder targets and greatly reduce the chances. And do not be the employee who was hacked because you skipped cybersecurity training!