If you are interested in leveraging Hypothes.is, a powerful social annotation tool faculty can use right in D2L, you are in luck! Over the next few weeks, Hypothes.is will be offering several Workshops and Asynchronous training (reservation required).
- Workshops
- Tuesday, December 12th, 2023, 1:00PM PT/4:00PM EST, Preparing for your term with Hypothesis: Annotate your syllabus
- Tuesday, December 19th, 2023, 1:00PPM PT/4:00PM EST, Preparing for your term with Hypothes.is: Annotation starter assignments
- Hypothes.is Academy/Asynchronous Training (both are quick, two to four week asynchronous courses)
- Social Annotation 101 will show you the ins-and-outs of Hypothe.is.
- Social Annotation in the Age of AI will discuss how to leverage Hypothes.is in the face of AI.
- Register here for either.
- Don’t have time for either over winter break? Check out Assignment Resources (other resources are available on the Educator Resources page). Here are a few that may be of interest:
- Assignment: Annotate the Course Syllabus Assignment – Make sure your students are reading the syllabus. As they read, they need to share their thoughts about the syllabus and make notes for themselves.
- Assignment: Annotating a Scientific Paper – Students help each other when reading difficult research papers by providing clarification, definitions, or even images to explain various passages.
- Assignment: Annotation of a Case Study (Business): Separating students into two groups on assigned tasks, students have an opportunity to learn from each other before discussing the case study in class.
Interesting in setting up Hypothes.is for next semester now? Check out the Hypothes.is Wiki page for tutorials and other information! Our favorite tutorials: