Pictured above: This Nativity scene in Christ the King Chapel was installed by Rev. Fred Betti, SJ, and created by him and his father over the course of 25 years. It is the Nativity’s fourth home.
Canisius’ faith community celebrated the third Sunday of Advent with the Blessing of the Bambinelli (Baby Jesus).
The beloved tradition began in Rome and invites families to bring the Baby Jesus figurines, from their Nativity scenes, to Mass for a blessing.
Submitted by: Rev. Fred Betti, SJ, chaplain, Mission & Ministry
Congratulations to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry whose “Grinch that Stole Chemistree” scored them first place in Human Resources’ annual Deck the Doors Holiday Contest. (Bonus points for the clever ornaments that adorn the Christmas tree!) The team will receive a breakfast party for having the most festively decorated door.
This submission came to us from Corey Damon, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
On Wednesday, December 13, Canisius was recognized for its continued partnership with Juneteenth Festival Inc.
Beginning in 2021, the university joined communities across the nation in commemorating this holiday. For the past three years, the campus has come together for a day of education, solidarity and service. The goal is to inspire conversation and action in our ongoing work toward anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion.
Fatima Rodriguez Johnson and Bennie Williams (pictured above), co-chairs of the Juneteenth Recognition event, were on hand to accept the certificate of appreciation.
Submitted by: Fatima Rodriguez Johnson, Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
Every employer in New York State is required to provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training on an annual basis. Canisius University is committed to maintaining a workplace free from sexual harassment and is partnering with Vector Solutions to provide the “Preventing Harassment and Discrimination” course.
If you attended one of the in-person training courses provided over the summer provided by Phillips Lytle, you do not need to complete this training, and will not see a course assigned to you in Vector. If you would like to confirm whether you are in compliance with the training, please contact Mary Braun at braun5@canisius.edu. Please also contact Mary Braun if you believe that you are receiving training reminder emails in error.
This course prepares our faculty and staff to cultivate and maintain a workplace culture resistant to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Faculty and staff will be equipped with the information and skills that promote intervention, empathy, and allyship. This course includes a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act.
To comply with the New York State deadline, the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination Training was due on December 15, 2023. At this time, we ask that all faculty and staff complete the training by the end of the year.
Vector Training Invitation
Those faculty and staff who are currently out of compliance with the Preventing Harassment and Discrimination training has already received an email from Vector, inviting them to take the training. Alternatively, you can access the training on the Canisius portal by selecting Human Resources, then VectorSolutions Training Platform.
The self-paced, interactive course takes most people about an hour to complete. The Vector support team is available here to provide assistance by phone, Email, or chat. If you have any other questions about this required course, please contact the Human Resources Office at 716-888-2240.
Submitted by: Mary Braun, Employment Manager, Human Resources
It’s coming up to the end of the semester again. Here are some actions you should take by the week after grades are due:
Enter your Final Grades through MyCanisius. Click here for a brief video tutorial.
If you want students to see their Final Calculated Grade, click here to see a tutorial on how to do that.
Export your gradebook to archive the grades for your personal record. See thistutorial here to do that.
Archive your entire D2L course in the Brightspace format at the end of each term for your personal record. Click this link to see how to do that.
If you are teaching courses in the next semester, copy course content so you do not have to rush through it and have time to work on it in between semesters. Click here to see how. Text instructions are available here.
If you have not already, inform the Canisius Bookstore of any books or Cengage Unlimited products you intend to use. If you are not planning on using books or Cengage Unlimited products, let the bookstore know that as well. See their page here for more contact information.
If you plan on using student assignments from your class for later review or appraisal, download them now!
You can click here to view the COLI Checklist page, which has further resources. View the video below for a quick overview of the End of Semester Checklist: https://youtu.be/8bIEBVDhm8M