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September’s health tips from the Employee Assistance Program

What does healthy aging mean to you? We all age at a different rate and we each have a different perspective about what aging is. There are, however, many areas in which we can be proactive and take control of how well we age. It’s never too early, or too late, to take steps to age well!

5 Tips to Healthy Aging

  • Proper Nutrition – eating healthy, well-balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables is critical to keeping you healthy. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and limit alcohol consumption.
  • Exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day – be sure to include both aerobic activity (biking, swimming, walking, running) and anaerobic activity (weight lifting, resistant bands, exercise machines)
  • Get Enough Sleep! – other than eating right and drinking enough water, sleep is the most important form of recovery. Without proper sleep, our immune function decreases and our minds become more susceptible to diseases of dementia. Deep sleep is crucial for hormonal regulation.
  • Refrain From Smoking – we all know about the dangers of smoking to our health, but smokers also tend to age faster than non-smokers, and have deeper lines and wrinkles on their faces.
  • Stay Active – do something you have dreamed about – volunteer, join a group, have a strong social support system, travel, or whatever else you can think of to challenge your mind and keep moving!

“You don’t grow old… become old by not growing”

This information provided courtesy of your Employee Assistance Program.  For confidential assistance, please call 681-4300.

Submitted by:  Kathy Kelly, administrative associate, human resources