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A lecture by Judith Perez,’96 PhD (pictured, right) and Howard Caro-Lopez entitled “The Journey of the Latino College Student: From College Hopeful to Student Leader, to Career Success!” will be given Monday (September 12) from 3-5 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge. It is free and open to the public.

Perez is a sociologist and associate project director with Teaching for Change in Washington, DC. Caro-Lopez is a doctoral candidate in the doctoral program at CUNY. His research focuses on migration studies, Latin American studies, and his dissertation focuses on first generation Ecuadorian and Dominican immigrants in NYC. Caro-Lopez is currently adjunct professor of sociology at George Washington University.

This lecture is sponsored by Latin American Students And Friends (LASAF) and the Department of Modern Languages.

Submitted by: Julia Wescott, PhD, professor, modern languages