About a month ago, I went to a networking event hosted by the Griff Center to teach proper dining etiquette and conversation at business/networking dinners. Through the three-course meal, everyone rotated to different tables so that you could get exposure to different professionals and peers. During the first course, we discussed how to introduce yourself and make an impression. The second course, we discussed how to carry an interesting conversation. The last course, we talked about how to conclude the conversation and exchange information, such as exchanging business cards. It was interesting talking to the professionals from all different fields. I spoke with an accountant, a surgeon, and someone in finance. None of these are my fields of interest, but I was still able to have good discussions with them all. They were very encouraging about the future and helped me feel less intimidated by what is to come after graduation. It was also interesting talking to my peers. There are so many talented students here and it was nice hearing about what everyone is involved in around campus.

I also went to a second event hosted by the Griff Center: the job fair. I really had to go outside of my comfort zone and approach companies I was interested in. It led to an interview and a lot of new contacts. No jobs of interest came from the experience, but it was a good experience nonetheless. It made me feel more comfortable talking with people about what I want for my future and having the confidence to make business connections with people. Since these network events, I have been contacting people and furthering discussions on fields that I am interested in. I am trying to build my network.