As the semester interning for Council Member Feroleto comes to a close I can’t help but reflect on everything that I have been able to accomplish. I think that I have been able to accomplish a lot this semester given the circumstances. I was able to take over Instagram and Facebook and have full creative control of the posts. I have been taking a lot of pictures and trying different modes of editing them to see what worked/performed best on both platforms. I created a video for Council Member for an award that he received for the work he has done relating to his art initiative. It was hard work as I am not really familiar with video editing but was able to figure it out. Another project that I was able to work on was a virtual walking tour with Buffalo Public Schools and Say Yes Buffalo. I did a full walking tour of the murals and provided information about the mural and the artists to parents, teachers, and students (K-12).

Overall I have really enjoyed my time being a communications/social media intern for Council Member Feroleto. I have really been able to grow my skills both in editing and in overall communicating to people via social media. I have also been able to work on my marketing skills (specifically getting people to visit the walls) which is something that I did not think that I would be able to do. This internship has really helped me become more confident in my work and prove to myself that I am capable of doing social media for a niche audience. They have asked me to stay on again next semester as their intern! Although I am uncertain about my plan for next semester, it was definitely a confidence boost to hear that they have liked the work that I have been doing enough to want to keep me on.