The day and night before I find myself unable to stop pacing, nor am I able to sleep. I’m nervous about my internship that starts,  Monday January 14, 2019 at WYRK, Townsquare Media. Tons of thoughts are running through my mind: excitement, honor, lack of confidence. I feel my insecurities creeping up, I hate that feeling of not feeling like you can do something because you feel like you aren’t good enough; due to the fact that your whole life you’ve been made to feel as if you wouldn’t amount to anything. As I’m looking at the ceiling, overthinking probably I think to myself how; I want to bring a lot to the table but as I lay in bed and think of what may or may not happen, the “unknown” I start to feel my heart race, my
thoughts going a thousand miles a minute, “damn anxiety and nerves knock it off” I think. What if they think I’m a joke, or don’t like me? What if I’m destined to be a loser my whole life and never make something of myself.
It’s morning, I open my eyes, I breathe a sigh of  “ you can do this, it’s normal to have nerves, but you can get through it “ I drive in and make my way to the floor I needed to be on to meet my boss Bill Dubiel, who is amazing. After five minutes I knew I had chosen the right place to learn. Completing my first day at the internship, I learned about what’s expected of me and what I’ll be doing, which I’m really excited about. I sat in on my first meeting and it was a lot of fun, very entertaining, however I wish I knew more so I could put forth more ideas for sales, promotions, as well as the events which I’ll be working. I met the people within the building, all seem to be friendly and positive; big kids with huge hearts,  which is a great environment for somebody like me. I also got a chance to play around and work with recording in the production room that was a lot of fun with practice I believe I can get better at it.  Just like life, and with practice for now it’s day by day.