On April 23rd, I went to a very informative event in Grupp Fireside Lounge. It was called the “Healthcare and Human Services Panel”.  The event was organized by Canisius College’s Griff Center. Special guests came to the event and told their life stories on how they got to be where they are today. They also answered questions from students, and gave an insane amount of advice about getting a job out of college and just getting a job in general. Some of the special guests included Mark Sullivan ’92 (CEO of Catholic Health), Elizabeth McPartland (COO of Child and Family Services), Nora McGuire (Senior Vice President of Marketing and Chief Marketing Officer at Independent Health, and Rhonda Frederick (CEO of People, Inc.). One note that I was given that stuck with me was to be open to job opportunities. Your dream job might be something you never knew existed. We have no idea where we will be in the years to come. Many opportunities will present themselves and we must be open to new things. This stuck with me for a few reasons. One of which is that I was recently approached by a representative of Chartwells after doing an interview with them for a different class. They said they liked the media that I am creating and they would like to see my resume. While this took me by surprise, I am going to stay open minded with this opportunity. I would rate this experience 5/5 stars. The message they got across was very clear and precise. The panelists were very informative and even funny at times. It was a positive experience that I will remember for a long time.