At 23 years old, my resume resembles a laundry list of job descriptions. It’s crazy to think I have been a part of the work force since the seventh grade. I’ve pursued part time jobs and alternative internships, but there was something about Quinlan that initially intimidated me.

Through each and every one of my experiences, I’ve learned a number of skill sets as well as a great deal about myself. I’ve undergone a great deal of scenarios in the customer service field, and have a heavy load of sorting inventory and corresponding with representatives under my belt. I’ve never had the opportunity to work in an agency setting, and this alternative presented me with eagerness (or should I say anxiety) the night before my first day.

Three weeks into the internship and the nerves have begun to disintegrate. My supervisor is an excellent role model to follow, and my peers make question asking easy. I’ve had the opportunity to sit in on a number of meetings from Monday briefings to web design to strategizing campaigns. I’ve received a one-on-one tour of the company’s accomplishments via their Addy awards, “Casual Fridays”, and some of their best client work. Each day is different; one day I’m getting into the mind set of a Generation Z female, and the next I’m so far into researching hot dogs I now know the prices at Wegmans for each brand before I even get to the aisle.

While starting a new job can be a frightening experience, I value Quinlan and their program for making their interns feel comfortable. I look forward to continuing to grow with the company over the next few weeks!