I attended a networking event that consisted of three panelists, all Canisius Alumni through the grad program in Communication and Leadership. The three panelists each discussed the positions that they are in now and how this grad program really helped them get to the careers that they have today. Emily Gumkowski, one of the grad assistants in the program now, ran the questioning for the panelists, which made for a smooth process and gave each of the panelists a turn to talk about their experiences. I never considered grad school because I really don’t know what I want to do; however, each of the panelists really made me think from a different perspective. I was very impressed that they each held leadership positions in their current jobs and that they learned how to establish themselves as a leaderĀ  through this program, although, experience always helps! Not a lot of people attended the event; however, that was fine because it gave me the opportunity to meet with each of the panelists and have a brief conversation with them. One of the panelists is my current internship supervisor’s cousin! Of course, I had to introduce myself just for that reason alone. I definitely benefited from this networking event because it really made me think twice about grad school and also that it’s never too late to go!