Looking back on my time at Buffalo Magazine, I am proud of what I accomplished. I collaborated with other editors on compiling the extensive events calendar for the Discover Buffalo insert, which will be published at the end of May. I also wrote a lengthy article for Buffalo Brides and several small “capsule” articles for Discover Buffalo. All of these assignments were published and are great additions to my portfolio.
The staff was a pleasure to work with and I genuinely was happy to come to work each week. My main goal at the beginning of this internship was to get a few articles published, to add to my portfolio. I definitely accomplished that goal. Working for a smaller publication again, confirmed for me that I want to work for a large publication – beneficial knowledge as I embark on my job search. If I did prefer smaller publications and wanted to stay in the area, I would without hesitation apply to Buffalo Magazine. From what I can tell, The News is a great place to be.
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