Last week I attended the PRSSA Networking Event in Montante. I had to compliment the students involved in planning this event because it was so professional and organized! There was pizza and refreshments as people came in, and then we took our seats to hear two of the career professionals speak. The first was a 21-year old from Albany that owns his own landscaping business! I was so impressed that he already created and owned a business by the age of 21– I’m also 21 and can’t even remember to fill up my gas tank when I need to! But anyways, it was very interesting to hear him speak and offer us advice since we were the same age as him. He said that no matter what you do, make sure it’s something you love doing. I will definitely take this advice into consideration.

Next we heard from Bill Collins from Canisius. I had heard him speak before in my Media Ethics class about, well, ethics and the media! But hearing his career path and how he started was also interesting. He explained how it took him awhile to get where he is now, and he had many different jobs before he got to his position at Canisius. He met a lot of great people along the way, and learned tons of life lessons. The advice I really took into consideration from him is that at our age right now, we don’t have to have our lives 100% figured out already. We are going to start jobs, then move up, and learn a lot before we get to where we want to be. This advice is exactly what we all want to hear right now because there is so much pressure to find the perfect job as soon as we graduate. We are looking for someone to tell us, “Relax and take this slowly.”

The overall advice I got from the event was that there are many different options for us right now as we get ready to graduate. Whether its owning our own company at such a young age, or learning from many jobs before we find the right one, we should all just relax and enjoy the ride!