Networking is challenging. However, it is extremely rewarding and can lead to some incredible opportunities. These opportunities can lead to a full-time job. Since I am graduating, this is important.

I chose to network during a business lunch I was invited to. I tried to use all the networking advice that I was given. My department was meeting with our printing company. Since my department at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery handles all of the publishing, it is important that we maintain a good working relationship with the company that prints all of our external and internal materials.

It was a casual lunch, so it was easy to network. I networked with my coworkers by describing my school and work experience. Since we are all so busy when we are in the office, it was nice to be able to talk with them about some of my experiences outside of the work environment. It was much more relaxed and casual. They are valuable people to get to know. They might learn of other opportunities from their colleagues and pass the word onto me.

I also talked with the printing company representative that we were having lunch with. I explained who I was, where I go to school, and what I hope to when I graduate. She is not directly related to the field I hope to work in, but  she works with so many communications directors of many companies around Western New York.  She is a valuable contact to have.

This was a valuable experience to have and I was glad I went to the lunch. I am looking forward to networking at a more formal event in the future.