In February, the Undergraduate Student Association had a networking event held in Palisano with some Canisius Alumni. Since Digital Media Arts is a newer program (has been around less than twenty years), I did not really expect any alumni for my field to show up. In Palisano, there were about 10 tables. We were told to go to the table that had our major so we could meet alumni in our field. Seeing no “Digital Media Arts” sign, I just walked around and started talking to random people. It was really interesting to hear their stories.

One alum told me his story about how he received a job offer after graduation, and took it. A couple days before the first job began, he was offered another job that was more in his field. He quit the job he was originally offered to take the one that was more in his field. I really believe that philosophy in life. Don’t work for money, work because you enjoy it.

After talking to a couple alumni, I bumped into a former Digital Media Arts major *gasp!*. We talked about some of the classes and professors in that department. After a while, he told me about how he needs interns for the summer for programming. Since that is not my focus, I called over my friend Darren Canham, who was filming the event.

Although I did not really meet anyone in my field, I gained a lot of tips on what to do after graduation. One great thing that I have learned recently is that my peers are my biggest networking system. Myself, Darren Canham, David Kaplan, and Brooke Ballard have been updating each other any time we see a new job posting that is related in our field.  That was advice that I got from an alum: make the most of the people in your class, because one day you could work with them.