Two weeks ago, I finally began my internship in the Human Resources department at EduKids. I’m still not quite sure what I was expecting on my first day there, but I knew from the moment I stepped through the door that it was going to be a good fit. I was definitely more than anxious walking in on my first day. I knew the founder of EduKids, Nancy Ware, worked in the office and that I would be meeting an amazing business woman. I knew working in the human resources department would include doing interviews, making phone calls, handling the payroll, and lots of other paperwork, and possibly some occasional filing. I was prepared to do all this, just not so soon.

Only in my second week there, they already trusted my to call references for possible employees. To be completely honest, the minute she handed me the phone and the stack of papers, I panicked inside. I felt like I wasn’t nearly as experienced to do this job as I should be. After gaining some confidence and starting to make a few phone calls, I became more relaxed and realized it was actually kind of fun to call people!

And exactly two weeks into my internship, they trusted me to give an interview (with some assistance of course!). I stumbled a little and didn’t know the answers to all of the applicant’s questions, but overall I don’t think that it went too bad! I feel honored that they are trusting me enough to do things by myself already, and privileged to be able to learn as much as I already have. I feel as if so far I am learning a lot at my internship and I’m excited for what the rest of the semester with EduKids will teach me. I think I will learn a lot there and gain a lot of confidence in myself, as well as experience in new job skills.