The thing I liked most about interning in graphic design was the kind corrections. People often think that interns are meant to do mundane things like make coffee and get snacks for the “real workers,” but at this company, it was quite the opposite. I was working alongside the full-timers and have them still as friends because of it. Now that I’ve moved out to Colorado, I can honestly say that I miss working there. I miss the people and the daily tasks. I had grown to enjoy them so much that I’d often go in and work even when I wasn’t scheduled. I will always think back fondly on the internship of my last semester as an undergraduate. I will always wish I had done more, helped in more ways and maybe improved the company a little by being there, but no part of me walked away without knowing that I had an impact on the people who worked there. To this day I am still friends with my Creative Director and we talk often. If I had to give one piece of advice to an intern it would be to dive in head first. Don’t hold back because you think you’re underqualified. Tell them your strengths and ask to be assigned to those tasks you’ll be able to help most with. They’ll make sure you learn the rest.