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Canisius Corner Added to Hamlin Park’s Saturday Academies

Over 15 students volunteered at Hamlin Park’s inaugural Saturday Academy for the 24-25 school year last Saturday, Oct. 5. Many are familiar with school 74, tucked away in the Hamlin Park Neighborhood. The principal of Hamlin Park, Dr. Patrick Cook, is a graduate of Canisius and very interested in a deeper partnership. Hamlin Park is one of the Buffalo Public Schools’ Community Schools. Hamlin Park will be offering seven Saturday Academies in the 24-25 school year. Canisius will partner with Hamlin Park to provide a Canisius Corner where Canisius students/faculty can offer valuable programming to the families who attend (in addition to the robust programming already scheduled). The goal is to make a deeper impact in one location rather than spreading ourselves thin over multiple Saturday Academy locations.

Volunteers from Griffs Passionate About Education, EDU 250, PSC 111, and Phi Sigma Sigma interacted with youth in the gym through flag football and obstacle courses, snapping pictures with Petey, and helping with seasonal crafts. Reach out to Elizabeth Turner ( if you want your students to get involved!

Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, Director of Educational Partnerships

Professional Learning Community for New Teachers

The School of Education and Human Services is pleased to introduce a new teacher series titled “Golden Griffins: Professional Learning Community.”

The new series kicks off on Thursday, October 24 at 4:30 p.m.

The professional development series is for new teachers (less than three years of experience) and will focus on small group support.  Topics will include classroom management, diverse learner needs, self-care, family engagement and more.

Scan the QR code above to register by September 30.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, Director of Educational Partnerships


Canisius Expands Reading Ready Tutoring Program

Thanks to the generous funding from the Benedict Silverman Foundation, Canisius University is able to bring Reading Ready to Buffalo in two, transformative ways: paid tutoring opportunities and embedded field work tutoring.

Eleven paid tutors have been paired with 37 second and third graders at Buffalo Public School #89.  In addition, 15 students in ECCH 221: Emergent Literacy with Professor Joyce Fanning, have been placed in grades K-2 at Buffalo Public School #17.  Here, Reading Ready is implemented during the 20 hours of field experience, with 30 students in their assigned classrooms.  Students receive one-on-one literacy tutoring three days each week.

Finally, three teacher residents in the Canisius University Teacher Residency Program (CUTR) will be implementing Reading Ready in their residency classrooms.  Together, Elizabeth Turner and Joyce Fanning will continue to support and grow the Canisius University Reading Corps through the Reading Ready tutoring initiative.  Tutors can be any major at Canisius and are hired and trained at the beginning of each semester.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, Director of Educational Partnerships, Teacher Education & Leadership Department

Canisius Students at BPS Saturday Academies

More than 55 Canisius University students volunteered at 13 Saturday Academies this semester. Saturday Academies provide educational, recreational, cultural, social and wellness programs for the entire family at Buffalo Public Schools Community Schools.  The events are supported through a partnership between Say Yes Buffalo and Buffalo Public Schools.  They are free and open to everyone. 


Students were warmly welcomed at six different Community Schools including Hamlin Park, East High School, and Burgard High School.  You could find students interacting with youth in the gym while playing basketball and JENGA, as friendly faces during registration, working in the clothing & food support rooms, helping with seasonal crafts, making slime, and so much more!  Students participated as a service learning opportunity through a variety of education courses.  

Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, director, Educational Partnerships

Canisius Say Yes Summer Camp Wrap-Up

The Say Yes Summer Camp site at Canisius wrapped up six weeks of fun and learning just before the semester began.

The camp served 27 BPS students in PreK-3rd grade.  Eleven of those students qualified for daily one-on-one Reading Ready tutoring through a grant from the Benedict Silverman Foundation.  Three trained Canisius students provided 168 tutoring sessions for the students who all improved their literacy skills just in time for the new school year.  Dr. Katie Pace Miles, author of Reading Ready and native Buffalonian, came for a visit to see the tutoring program in action!

Other highlights of the summer camp included weekly story time with Canisius Librarian, Matt Kochan, daily visits to the fish tank in the Office of Student Affairs, and play time with SEHS Dean, Dr. Nancy Wallace! The students had a summer they will never forget!

Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, Director of Educational Partnerships