The Say Yes Summer Camp site at Canisius wrapped up six weeks of fun and learning just before the semester began.
The camp served 27 BPS students in PreK-3rd grade. Eleven of those students qualified for daily one-on-one Reading Ready tutoring through a grant from the Benedict Silverman Foundation. Three trained Canisius students provided 168 tutoring sessions for the students who all improved their literacy skills just in time for the new school year. Dr. Katie Pace Miles, author of Reading Ready and native Buffalonian, came for a visit to see the tutoring program in action!
Other highlights of the summer camp included weekly story time with Canisius Librarian, Matt Kochan, daily visits to the fish tank in the Office of Student Affairs, and play time with SEHS Dean, Dr. Nancy Wallace! The students had a summer they will never forget!
Submitted by: Elizabeth Turner, Director of Educational Partnerships