Canisius’ commitment to environmental responsibility goes beyond campus borders.
This past weekend, faculty, staff and students from the Sustainability Committee rolled up their sleeves for an Earth Day cleanup in our neighboring Masten District.
Thank you to all who volunteered. Your efforts have a tangible impact on keeping our Canisius community – and the planet – clean and green.
Patrick W. Finucane ’83, chief financial officer for Glendale Realty Services Group and Glendale Development, will be honored as the Accountant of the Year at the 67th annual Canisius University Accounting Society banquet on Thursday, April 25 at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens. Cocktails are at 5:30 p.m.; dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.
The Canisius College Accounting Society will also recognize Myles M. Abbott ’03, MBA ’04, CPA. A partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Abbott will receive the Dr. Joseph R. Coppola ’40 Award, which recognizes the exceptional achievements of a Canisius University accounting alumnus.
Dr. Ian J. Redpath, chair of the Canisius University Accounting Department, will present student awards during the event.
Click here to read more about both Patrick Finucane and Myles Abbott.
Submitted by: Kimberly Walkow, Executive Administrative Assistant, Wehle School of Business
The Human Resources Department is pleased to announce that Samantha Brennan is the Canisius University Employee of Distinction for March 2024! Samantha was nominated for the award by Malini Suchak.
At Canisius for 22 years, Samantha currently works as the assistant registrar for the Office of Student Records and Financial Services.
This is what Malini wrote about Sam in her nomination:
“I don’t know how this happens but every time I try to use Courseleaf to do anything, I somehow mess it up. Sam is always so kind and helpful and just gets everything straightened out. I am sure I am not the only one and it must get frustrating for her but she always just focuses on making it right (and not making me feel like an idiot for messing it up in the first place)”.
Please join the Human Resources Department in congratulating Grant on this achievement!
Submitted by: Lynn Incardona, Associate, Human Resources
The Office of University Communications is inviting faculty and staff to elevate their influence by sharing their insights and expertise with a broader audience.
Specifically, our team is developing a database of Canisius individuals who have expertise on topics that may be of interest to local, regional and national media outlets.
To participate, simply complete the brief questionnaire (link below) detailing your areas of expertise and scholarship. Responses will be compiled into a database that will serve as a resource for journalists seeking knowledgeable sources for their stories.
And no worries if you’re new to media interviews.
The Office of University Communications is here to provide media tips and training so you can feel confident and prepared to share your expertise.
Don’t miss this opportunity to amplify your impact and contribute to public discourse! Fill out the Media Expert questionnaire.