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Campus Ministry is partnering with St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy for Christmas. St. Luke’s provides Thanksgiving and Christmas for 2,600 families.

Adopt-a-Teenager Program:
• St. Luke’s has 200 teenagers to be adopted for Christmas. They either live in one of St. Luke’s 24 homes or in the neighborhood.
• Purchase a gift set of personal care items (cost is between $8.99-$11.00)
• If you would like more than one teenager that’s great. Whatever level is good for you.
• Just indicate how many teens and whether you prefer a girl or boy.

Adopt-a-Family Program:
• St. Luke’s has many families who are in need of adoption for Christmas. These families are large and small. Just indicate the size of the family you want and we will match you with a family. Even if you just want to buy a sweater or a few items we can let you know what items are on the families wish list.

St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy is one of the college’s closest community partners. They care for the most vulnerable and unwanted of God’s children with love and with mercy. Please contact Joe Van Volkengurg for more information at Ext. 2875 or vanvolkj@

Submitted by: Joe Van Volkenburg, assistant to the director of Campus Ministry