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MyCanisius Photo Contest

Share a picture of what “My Canisius” means to you and your photo could be featured on the MyCanisius login page. To enter your picture into the contest email your photo to Select photos will be uploaded to the Canisius College Facebook page where family and friends can vote by liking their favorites. The photos with the most likes will be featured on the login page.

Please name your jpeg photo file “yourfullname_phototitle.jpg” All entries must be submitted through your valid canisius email account. Only one photo submission per person. Photo submissions are due by October 3.

Submitted by: David Courtney, director of web services

Peace activist to speak tonight

American peace activist Kathy Kelly will present “Seeing Through the Smoke Screen: The Path to Peace in Afghanistan” tonight at 7 p.m. in the Grupp Fireside Lounge. The event is free and open to the public.

Kelly’s talk is sponsored by Peace and Justice Studies, International Relations, Campus Ministry and the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice.

For more information, please contact Erin Robinson, PhD, at

Submitted by: Maureen Kanczak, administrative associate, sociology, anthropology, criminal justice