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Nectali Rodezno, a lawyer and co-coordinator of the National Front of Lawyers Against the Coup in Honduras, will give a lecture entitled “Defending Justice In Honduras” Monday (November 8) from 7 – 9 p.m. in Lyons Hall Room 118.

Rodezno will speak to the context in which the 2009 Honduran coup was perpetrated and prospects for those who continue to struggle for justice in Honduras.  The current Honduras regime came to power after the 2009 coup which was led by a graduate of the US School of the Americas.  There are claims that the current regime assassinates, kidnaps and represses the human rights defenders, journalists, campesino movements, unionists, and indigenous peoples who oppose it.  Come hear firsthand reports of the struggle in Honduras from someone on the front lines.

This lecture is co-sponsored by the International Affairs Society and the Latin America Solidarity Committee of the WNY Peace Center with the help of Witness for Peace.

Submitted by:  Jonathan DiCicco, PhD, assistant professor, political science; and Terrence Bisson, PhD, professor, mathematics & statistics