This Sunday, April 9 Campus Ministry will be hosting three events.
Hosanna! Join Campus Ministry for Palm Sunday services in Christ the King Chapel at 11:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Gather to waive palms and prepare for the last week of Lent before Easter. Rev. Bob Pecoraro, SJ, will preside and staff members from Campus Ministry’s Joyful Noise Singers will lead the music ministry with the help of students and faculty. All are welcome and encouraged to get their palms!
Beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Palisano Pavilion, Shai Fears and the “Releasing your Faith” vision team are bringing an all new worship experience to Canisius!
“Releasing Your Faith” is a student-run, non-denominational Christian worship experience featuring poetry, spoken word and worship through song. This event features speakers from different churches from all over Buffalo. “Releasing your Faith” is co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.
One of the most important Lenten practices is to reflect on the moments in our lives where we miss God’s love and to sincerely ask for God’s forgiveness. Join Campus Ministry in a guided Examination of Conscience and consider making an individual confession on Sunday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Christ the King Chapel. Rev. James Pribek, SJ, and Rev. Bob Pecoraro, SJ, will hear confessions. Campus Ministers will be available for spiritual conversation.
For more information, contact Paul Stage, associate campus minister, at, or Ext. 2423 or visit in person in Old Main 207.
Submitted by: Luanne Firestone, Senior Associate Campus Minister, Campus Ministry