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College Suspends Admission to Deaf Education Program

After careful analysis and consideration, the college’s Academic Program Board (APB) voted to suspend admission to the Deaf Education Program for fall 2017.  Low enrollment in the program and the need to re-evaluate the curriculum led to the decision.

Students currently enrolled and adjunct faculty members teaching in the program have been informed. The college is committed to offering the classes, experiences, and support for NYS certification necessary for students in the program to graduate and pursue certification.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Submitted by:  Jeffrey Lindauer, dean, School of Education & Human Services

Thank You to Canisius

Dave Smith, the longtime head coach of the men’s hockey program at Canisius, says goodbye and thank you, in a letter to the Canisius community.  In the letter, Smith also reflects on the past 12 years of his career at the college.

Smith recently accepted a position as head coach of the men’s hockey program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).  Read his letter below.

Thank you to Canisius campus
Submitted by: College Communications

Serious Games Meetup Today

The Serious Games Meetup Group meets today, April 7 at 10:30 a.m. in the Media Center TV studio located on the fourth floor of Lyons Hall. Attendees will explore a new motion capture system.

The Digital Media Arts (DMA) program uses an inexpensive “mocap” system, a popular toolset among independent game developers. Motion capture is a way of capturing real human motions and mapping them onto virtual avatars. Among many other possibilities, a mocap system could be used in analysis of an athlete’s performance, kinesiology and physical therapy.  Take a look at mocap here.

Join us in the Media Center TV studio for this exciting opportunity.

Submitted by: Mark Gallimore, PhD, instructional designer, COLI

Relay for Life Tonight

Canisius College students, in conjunction with Colleges Against Cancer, will host a Relay for Life Carnival tonight, April 7 from 6:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. in the Koessler Athletic Center. The Relay for Life event is organized and produced completely by students, predominately from Canisius athletic teams and clubs. The event is both impressive and moving. Registration to the event is $15. All funds raised will benefit the American Cancer Society.
Attendance from faculty, staff and friends can have a powerful impact on students and other attendees, especially those directly effected by cancer.  The Luminaria ceremony at 10:00 p.m. is both illustrative of the wide impact of cancer on the general population and an opportunity to share with Canisius students the joys of survival and life.

Music, food and conversation provide the background for a most powerful and enjoyable evening. All are welcome.

For more information and to make an online donation to the Canisius College Relay for Life, click here.

Submitted by: College Communications

Campus Ministry Hosts Three Worship Events

This Sunday, April 9 Campus Ministry will be hosting three events.

palm-sunday-posterHosanna! Join Campus Ministry for Palm Sunday services in Christ the King Chapel at 11:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Gather to waive palms and prepare for the last week of Lent before Easter. Rev. Bob Pecoraro, SJ, will preside and staff members from Campus Ministry’s Joyful Noise Singers will lead the music ministry with the help of students and faculty. All are welcome and encouraged to get their palms!

Beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Palisano Pavilion, Shai Fears and the “Releasing your Faith” vision team are bringing an all new worship experience to Canisius!

lent-reconciliation-service-2017-flyer“Releasing Your Faith” is a student-run, non-denominational Christian worship experience featuring poetry, spoken word and worship through song.  This event features speakers from different churches from all over Buffalo. “Releasing your Faith” is co-sponsored by Campus Ministry and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

One of the most important Lenten practices is to reflect on the moments in our lives where we miss God’s love and to sincerely ask for God’s forgiveness. Join Campus Ministry in a guided Examination of Conscience and consider making an individual confession on Sunday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Christ the King Chapel. Rev. James Pribek, SJ, and Rev. Bob Pecoraro, SJ, will hear confessions. Campus Ministers will be available for spiritual conversation.

For more information, contact Paul Stage, associate campus minister, at, or Ext. 2423 or visit in person in Old Main 207.

Submitted by: Luanne Firestone, Senior Associate Campus Minister, Campus Ministry